Track OD Freight

Freight Shipping Tools | Track & Trace Shipments

Shipment Trace & Tracking Options

You should know the “what, where and when” during each stage of the shipping process. OD offers several tools to track your shipments or display OD tracking information for customers via your systems. 

Enter up to 1 Tracking Numbers to review your shipment. make sure to enter the shipment number given to you correctly For support, please email or call customer service at +1 309-319-3665.

Enter the Consignment No.

Ex: 12345

user security for Advanced Trace Options

Access more ways to track your shipment when you visit Seach by PRO, BOL, PO, LOAD and Pickup numbers.

Track and Trace with Shipping API Integrations

For domestic or global shipments, customers can utilize OD’s Shipping API Integrations to rate, schedule, trace and more from their own systems. Using open standards, OD’s Shipping API Integrations are hardware, programming language and OS agnostic. 

Tracking URL

Use our tracking URL to link directly to Old Dominion’s shipment-tracking page. You can access this from your own website, or post a link in an email to offer others direct access.

Weather Alert Map

View the real-time status of OD’s service centers. Each terminal reports if service levels are reduced due to inclement weather.